23 septiembre 2005

busy at work but reading a lot

so i was reading some interesting articles in the current edition of Foreign Affairs magazine. basically they invited a few writers/intelectuals from China and Hong Kong to write about China. one of the interesting things so far is how different the view of the whole 'China treat' is from that side of the world. we are defenitly in a information cage here in the U.S.

the chinese guys pretty much use a lot of very good logical, historical, and economical arguments (not like those opinionated columnist that travel lots) to demostrate how China, if anything, is looking to develop economically but also socially. who would want to have 2 billion people poor and unhappy?

anyways, more on this later. lots of work to do for work.

27 abril 2005


le acabo de mandar a un amigo las fotos de su hija que tome hace una semana. la verdad nunca pense que hiban a salir tan jodidas pero al parecer el modo "automatico" de la camara no sirve para nada. el unico problema es que da hueva andar cambiando a modo "manual" para tomar fotos de ocacion, sin buscar mas contratiempos. pero bueno, manana temprano subo una foto para que la vean.


pues aqui estamos